Description: This is a geographical representation of the locations of CSO outfall points statewide. Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) are sewers that are designed to collect rainwater runoff, domestic sewage, and industrial wastewater in the same pipe. Most of the time, combined sewer systems transport all of their wastewater to a sewage treatment plant, where it is treated and then discharged to a water body. During periods of heavy rainfall or snowmelt, however, the wastewater volume in a combined sewer system can exceed the capacity of the sewer collection system or treatment plant.This map data layer provides information regarding the location of permitted CSO Outfall Points, the applicable NJPDES Permit number, the assigned 3-digit discharge serial number, the latitude and longitude, the alternate name (such as a street address) of the CSO point, the municipality and Watershed Management Area (WMA) where the CSO outfall is located, a unique identifier for each point consisting of the permit number and outfall number, the receiving waterbody, the receiving treatment plant name and permit number, if the CSO outfall has solids and floatable treatment, a link for Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data, and a website.
Description: This is a geographical representation of the 2017 Public Community Water Purveyor Service Areas GIS data layer. Water purveyors are regulated by the NJDEP Bureau of Safe Drinking Water, under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Public Community Water Purveyors are systems that pipe water for human consumption to at least 15 service connections used year-round, or one that regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents. Public purveyors can be government agencies, private companies, or quasi-government groups. The boundaries mapped are those of the actual water delivery or service area. Franchise areas are not depicted (areas with legal rights for future service once developed). Water sources (wells or surface water intakes) are often located outside the delivery area boundaries.
Description: This data within this layer includes the quantity and installed capacity of solar installations in each of New Jersey's counties. The quantity and installed capacity in each county is also broken out by installation type (i.e. residential, non-residential, and gird supply). This data is updated and published monthly by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities at:
Description: The data contained in this layer identifies all public solar installations in the State, as reported by the NJBPU and their Energy Market Managers, AEG as of 20160826. Public facilities include: Government Facilities, Public Schools, Public Colleges/Universities, and other public school facilities.
Description: This dataset displays the location and relevant information about projects that have been awarded funding based on the New Jersey RGGI Strategic Funding Plan. The dataset includes attributes including project info, funding amount, funding agency, and emissions reductions.
Description: This data represents point locations for electric generating units (EGU) in New Jersey that are subject to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). This electric generating units are operated using fossil fuels and are at or above 25 megewatts in capacity.
Copyright Text: United States Environmental Protection Agency Air Markets Program Data United Stated Energy Information Administration
Description: This dataset shows all of the electric generation stations, power plants, above 1 Megawatt capacity in New Jersey, which includes both fossil and renewable energy sources.
Description: This dataset shows all of the electric generation stations, power plants, above 1 Megawatt capacity in New Jersey, which includes both fossil and renewable energy sources.
Description: The data contained within this layer represents information acquired from the New Jersey Clean Energy Program's Solar Activity Report ( The boundaries were calculated using a combination of 2015 ortho imagery and oblique aerial imagery using Pictometry.
Copyright Text: NJDEP, Bureau of Energy and Sustainability Edition 20190327
Description: In May 2018, Governor Murphy directed the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) to create a community solar program for the State. A 3-year Pilot Program was established, with the application window for year 1 being opened from April 9, 2019 to September 9, 2019. One December 20, 2019, the BPU granted conditional approvals to 45 community solar projects, which have been mapped and are contained within this dataset. As the program continues, and subsequent projects are awarded, they will be added to this dataset to provide a full and accurate representation of the spatial distribution of projects awarded under the Community Solar Program.
Copyright Text: New Jersey Community Solar PV Projects, Edition 20200318
Description: The dataset shows operating Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) Facilities, Regulated Medical Waste Facilities and Solid Waste Facilities including Landfills, Transfer Stations / Materials Recovery Facilities, and Recycling Centers classified as Class B, C, and D, Multi-class Recycling facilities accepting both Class B and C recyclable materials. Since the dataset is prepared for Environmental Justice Stressor Tool, the Recycling Centers (Class B, C, B&C, and D) has been filtered to include facilities that accept 100 tons or more per day of approved source separated recyclable materials.