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Legend (Features/Transportation)

Caution Point Feature (1)
Major Roads (7)
Toll Road Toll Road
Interstate Interstate
US Highway US Highway
State Highway State Highway
County 500 Series County 500 Series
County 600 Series County 600 Series
Tug Barge Transit Route (11)
National Waterway Network (12)
Navigation Area Feature (13)
Canals and Water Raceways (14)
Active Active
Inactive Inactive
Senate No. 2252 - DC Fast Charging Stations (17)
79 - 100 : Very High Suitability 79 - 100 : Very High Suitability
62 - 79 : High Suitability 62 - 79 : High Suitability
46 -62 : Moderate Suitablilty 46 -62 : Moderate Suitablilty
28 - 46 : Less Suitable 28 - 46 : Less Suitable
10 - 28 : Least Suitable 10 - 28 : Least Suitable
Senate No. 2252 - Compliant Corridor Locations (16)
Existing Existing
Planned Planned
Senate No. 2252 - 25 Mile Driving Range (15)
To Charging Location To Charging Location
Planned Corridor Locations (18)
Planned Planned
Compliant DCFC Charging Locations (19)
Existing Community DCFC Location Existing Community DCFC Location
Existing Corridor DCFC Location Existing Corridor DCFC Location
Planned Corridor DCFC Location Planned Corridor DCFC Location
Community DCFC State Suitability Score (20)
0 0
10 10
15 15
20 20
25 25
30 30
35 35
40 40
45 45
50 50
55 55
60 60
65 65
70 70
75 75
80 80
85 85
90 90
95 95
100 100
Emission Repair & Inspection (22)
Emission Repair (21)
Wildlife Management Area Roads (23)
Abandoned Abandoned
Driveway Driveway
Leased Facility Leased Facility
Mowed Lane Mowed Lane
Other Other
Parking Parking
Road Road
No Idling Pledges (24)