Description: The DEP/DOH has updated recreational fish consumption advisories for tributaries, lakes and ponds in the lower Delaware watershed as part of the state’s ongoing fish-safety monitoring program. The DEP has also expanded testing of fish in selected water bodies in various regions of the state to include several chemicals of emerging concern known as known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. These analyses have resulted in the DEP’s first consumption advisories for PFAS. All states have fish consumption advisories. Many of the fish on New Jersey’s advisory lists are typically caught and consumed and some people rely on some of the species on the advisory lists as a significant food source.The state’s ongoing public outreach activities concerning fish consumption advisories include responding to inquiries from the public by way of web and phone inquiries, as well as distribution of outreach materials to all New Jersey Women, Infants & Children (WIC) centers in English and Spanish. Information is also available to recreational anglers, local and county health departments, and other stakeholders. Chemical contaminant data obtained on fish collected in 2016-2017. Advisories generated in 2018.The DEP and Department of Health advise all anglers to get the latest advisories for the specific water body they fish by visiting
Description: The purpose of this layer is to a) identify sites that currently have or previously had chromate waste levels above standard and b) identify sites that were originally listed as chrome sites but later found not to have chromate waste contamination present above standard following sampling. The Site Status attribute field will serve to identify the specific category associated with each chrome site.
Name: General Aquatic Life Station Assessment (2016 Integrated List)
Display Field: LOCNAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: The Station General Aquatic Life Assessment Results represents the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated with the General Aquatic Life designated use included in the 2016 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results at monitoring stations in NJ's 958 assessment units to determine if the General Aquatic Life designated use was attained and the results for the 22 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. The data reflects which of three sublists each assessment was assigned: Sublist 2- Full Attaining, Sublist 3- Insufficient data available to assess, Sublist 5- Non-Attaining. Because of the number of stations originally assessed, any station where all parameters had insufficient data for an assessment were excluded from this file.
Name: Recreation Station Assessment (2016 Integrated List)
Display Field: LOCNAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: The Station Recreation Assessment Results represents the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated with the Recreation designated use included in the 2016 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results at monitoring stations in NJ's 958 assessment units to determine if the Recreation designated use was attained and the results for the 4 bacterial parameters associated with the designated use. The bacterial parameters include E. Coli – associated with freshwaters, Enterococcus – associated with saline waters, Beach Closings – based on enterococcus data in saline waters, Fecal Coliform – associated with downgraded saline waters (SE2 and SE3) that only support secondary recreational use. The data reflects which of three sublists each assessment was assigned: Sublist 2- Full Attaining, Sublist 3- Insufficient data was available to assess, Sublist 5- Non-Attaining. Because of the number of stations originally assessed, any station where all parameters had insufficient data for an assessment were excluded from this file.
Name: Trout Aquatic Life Station Assessment (2016 Integrated List)
Display Field: LOCNAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: The Station Trout Aquatic Life Assessment Results represents the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated with the Trout Aquatic Life designated use included in the 2016 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results at monitoring stations in NJ's 199 assessment units with trout waters to determine if the Trout Aquatic Life designated use was attained and the results for the 22 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. The data reflects which of three sublists each assessment was assigned: Sublist 2- Full Attaining, Sublist 3- Insufficient data was available to assess, Sublist 5- Non-Attaining. Because of the number of stations originally assessed, any station where all parameters had insufficient data for an assessment were excluded from this file. 5. For what PURPOSE(s) was this data created and what do you believe people can use this data for?
Purpose: The purpose for this file is to represent the water quality results from the 2016 Integrated Report at the station and parameter level that was used to determine if the Trout Aquatic Life designated use was attained. The data shows where in the AU monitoring stations were located, and which ones were fully attaining or impaired as well as the results for each parameter at the station.
Name: Water Supply Station Assessment (2016 Integrated List)
Display Field: LOCNAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: The Station Water Supply Assessment Results represents the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated with the Water Supply designated use included in the 2016 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results at monitoring stations in NJ's 817 assessment units with fresh water to determine if the Water Supply designated use was attained and the results for the 47 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. The data reflects which of three sublists each assessment was assigned: Sublist 2- Full Attaining, Sublist 3- Insufficient data was available to assess, Sublist 5- Non-Attaining. Because of the number of stations originally assessed, any station where all parameters had insufficient data for an assessment were excluded from this file. Additionally, the number of parameters associated with Water Supply use was reduced from 65 parameters to 47 parameters that had sufficient data for an assessment.
Name: Fish Consumption Unit Assessment (2016 Integrated List)
Display Field: AU_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level Fish Consumption Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all water quality monitoring stations, fish tissue sampling sites, and fish consumption advisories associated within an AU that is included in the 2016 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in NJ's 958 AUs to determine if the Fish Consumption designated use was attained and the results for the 28 fish tissue and water quality parameters associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one source of sampling data, the results for each parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ assessment representing the AU. That is if any of the data sources are impaired for a parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some data sources are fully attaining for a parameter but others have insufficient data, the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Attaining- Non-Supporting. Since it was not possible to show fish consumption advisories and the spatial extent of many fish tissue sampling sites, only the AU level assessment results are mapped. The 303(d) List includes the impairment source for non-supporting Fish Consumption parameters. Because of the large number of parameters associated with fish consumption, if a parameter had insufficient data for an assessment throughout the state then the parameter was removed from the file. The result was a reduction from 62 parameters to 28 parameters that had sufficient data for an assessment.
Name: General Aquatic Life Use Unit Assessment (2016 Integrated List)
Display Field: AU_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level General Aquatic Life Use Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated within an AU that is included in the 2016 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in NJ's 958 AUs to determine if the General Aquatic Life Use designated use was attained and the results for the 22 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one station, the results for each parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ station assessment representing the AU. That is, if any of the stations are impaired for a parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some stations are fully attaining for a parameter but others have insufficient data, then the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Support- Non-Supporting.
Name: Recreation Unit Assessment (2016 Integrated List)
Display Field: AU_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level Recreation Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated within an AU that is included in the 2016 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in NJ's 958 AUs to determine if the Recreation designated use was attained and the results for the 4 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one station, the results for each parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ station assessment representing the AU. That is if any of the stations are impaired for a parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some stations are fully attaining for a parameter but others have insufficient data, the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Attaining- Non-Supporting.
Name: Shellfish Harvesting Unit Assessment (2016 Integrated List)
Display Field: AU_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level Shellfish Harvesting Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated within an AU that is included in the 2016 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in NJ's 174 AUs with shellfish harvesting to determine if the Shellfish Harvesting designated use was attained and the results for the water quality parameter associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one station, the results for the parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ station assessment representing the AU. That is if any of the stations are impaired for the parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some stations are fully attaining for the parameter but others have insufficient data then the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Attaining- Non-Supporting.
Name: Trout Aquatic Life Use Unit Assessment (2016 Integrated List)
Display Field: AU_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level Trout Aquatic Life Use Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated within an AU that is included in the 2016 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in NJ's 199 AUs with trout waters to determine if the Trout Aquatic Life Use designated use was attained and the results for the 22 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one station, the results for each parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ station assessment representing the AU. That is if any of the stations are impaired for a parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some stations are fully attaining for a parameter but others have insufficient data, the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Attaining - Non-Supporting.
Name: Water Supply Unit Assessment (2016 Integrated List)
Display Field: AU_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level Water Supply Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated within an AU that is included in the 2016 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in NJ's 817 AUs with fresh water to determine if the Water Supply designated use was attained and the results for the 47 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one station, the results for each parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ station assessment representing the AU. That is if any of the stations are impaired for a parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some stations are fully attaining for a parameter but others have insufficient data, the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Attaining- Non-Supporting. Because of the large number of parameters associated with Water Supply, if a parameter had insufficient data for an assessment throughout the state then the parameter was removed from the file. The result was a reduction from 65 parameters to 47 parameters that had sufficient data for an assessment.
Name: General Aquatic Life Station Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Display Field: STATION_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: The Station General Aquatic Life Assessment Results represents the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated with the General Aquatic Life designated use included in the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results at monitoring stations in NJ's 958 assessment units to determine if the General Aquatic Life designated use was attained and the results for the 20 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. The data reflects which of three sublists each assessment was assigned: Sublist 2- Full Attaining, Sublist 3- Insufficient data available to assess, Sublist 5- Non-Attaining. Because of the number of stations originally assessed, any station where all parameters had insufficient data for an assessment were excluded from this file.
Name: Recreation Station Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Display Field: STATION_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: The Station Recreation Assessment Results represents the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated with the Recreation designated use included in the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results at monitoring stations in NJ's 942 assessment units to determine if the Recreation designated use was attained and the results for the 3 bacterial parameters associated with the designated use. The bacterial parameters include E. Coli – associated with freshwaters, Enterococcus – associated with saline waters, Beach Closings – based on enterococcus data in saline waters, Fecal Coliform – associated with downgraded saline waters (SE2 and SE3) that only support secondary recreational use. The data reflects which of three sublists each assessment was assigned: Sublist 2- Full Attaining, Sublist 3- Insufficient data was available to assess, Sublist 5- Non-Attaining. Because of the number of stations originally assessed, any station where all parameters had insufficient data for an assessment were excluded from this file.
Name: Secondary Recreation Station Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Display Field: STATION_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: The Station Recreation Assessment Results represents the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated with the Recreation designated use included in the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results at monitoring stations in 30 of NJ’s assessment units to determine if the Recreation designated use was attained and the results for the bacterial parameter associated with the designated use. The bacterial parameter is Fecal Coliform – associated with downgraded saline waters (SE2 and SE3) that only support secondary recreational use. The data reflects Sublist 2- Full Attaining, Sublist 3- Insufficient data, and Sublist 5-Non attaining was available to assess. Because of the number of stations originally assessed, any station where all parameters had insufficient data for an assessment were excluded from this file.
Name: Trout Aquatic Life Station Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Display Field: STATION_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: The Station Trout Aquatic Life Assessment Results represents the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated with the Trout Aquatic Life designated use included in the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results at monitoring stations in NJ's 199 assessment units with trout waters to determine if the Trout Aquatic Life designated use was attained and the results for the 20 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. The data reflects which of three sublists each assessment was assigned: Sublist 2- Full Attaining, Sublist 3- Insufficient data was available to assess, Sublist 5- Non-Attaining. Because of the number of stations originally assessed, any station where all parameters had insufficient data for an assessment were excluded from this file.
Name: Water Supply Station Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Display Field: STATION_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: The Station Water Supply Assessment Results represents the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated with the Water Supply designated use included in the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results at monitoring stations in NJ's 817 assessment units with fresh water to determine if the Water Supply designated use was attained and the results for the 51 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. The data reflects which of three sublists each assessment was assigned: Sublist 2- Full Attaining, Sublist 3- Insufficient data was available to assess, Sublist 5- Non-Attaining. Because of the number of stations originally assessed, any station where all parameters had insufficient data for an assessment were excluded from this file.
Name: General Aquatic Life Use Unit Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level General Aquatic Life Use Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated within an AU that is included in the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in NJ's 958 AUs to determine if the General Aquatic Life Use designated use was attained and the results for the 19 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one station, the results for each parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ station assessment representing the AU. That is, if any of the stations are impaired for a parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some stations are fully attaining for a parameter but others have insufficient data, then the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Support- Non-Supporting.
Name: Fish Consumption Unit Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level Fish Consumption Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all water quality monitoring stations, fish tissue sampling sites, and fish consumption advisories associated within an AU that is included in the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in NJ's 958 AUs to determine if the Fish Consumption designated use was attained and the results for the 32 fish tissue and water quality parameters associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one source of sampling data, the results for each parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ assessment representing the AU. That is if any of the data sources are impaired for a parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some data sources are fully attaining for a parameter but others have insufficient data, the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Attaining- Non-Supporting. Since it was not possible to show fish consumption advisories and the spatial extent of many fish tissue sampling sites, only the AU level assessment results are mapped. The 303(d) List includes the impairment source for non-supporting Fish Consumption parameters.
Name: Recreation Unit Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level Recreation Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated within an AU that is included in the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in NJ's 942 AUs to determine if the Recreation designated use was attained and the results for the 3 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one station, the results for each parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ station assessment representing the AU. That is if any of the stations are impaired for a parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some stations are fully attaining for a parameter but others have insufficient data, the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Attaining- Non-Supporting.
Name: Secondary Recreation Unit Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level Recreation Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated within an AU that is included in the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in 30 of NJ’s AUs to determine if the Secondary Recreation designated use was attained and the results for the water quality parameter associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one station, the results for the parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ station assessment representing the AU. That is if any of the stations are impaired for the parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some stations are fully attaining for the parameter but others have insufficient data, the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Attaining- Non-Supporting.
Name: Shellfish Harvesting Unit Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level Shellfish Harvesting Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated within an AU that is included in the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in NJ's 174 AUs with shellfish harvesting to determine if the Shellfish Harvesting designated use was attained and the results for the water quality parameter associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one station, the results for the parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ station assessment representing the AU. That is if any of the stations are impaired for the parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some stations are fully attaining for the parameter but others have insufficient data then the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Attaining- Non-Supporting.
Name: Trout Aquatic Life Use Unit Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level Trout Aquatic Life Use Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated within an AU that is included in the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in NJ's 199 AUs with trout waters to determine if the Trout Aquatic Life Use designated use was attained and the results for the 19 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one station, the results for each parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ station assessment representing the AU. That is if any of the stations are impaired for a parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some stations are fully attaining for a parameter but others have insufficient data, the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Attaining - Non-Supporting.
Name: Water Supply Unit Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Assessment Unit (AU) Level Water Supply Assessment Results incorporates the water quality results for all monitoring stations associated within an AU that is included in the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results in NJ's 817 AUs with fresh water to determine if the Water Supply designated use was attained and the results for the 51 water quality parameters associated with the designated use. If an AU includes more than one station, the results for each parameter are combined with the ‘worst case’ station assessment representing the AU. That is if any of the stations are impaired for a parameter, then the parameter is impaired at the AU level. If some stations are fully attaining for a parameter but others have insufficient data, the parameter is fully attaining. The data reflects which of three assessment results each assessment was assigned: Attaining- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non-Attaining- Non-Supporting. Because of the large number of parameters associated with Water Supply, if a parameter had insufficient data for an assessment throughout the state then the parameter was removed from the file.
Name: Integrated List of Waters (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: This data consists of the 2018-2020 New Jersey Integrated List of Waters (Integrated List) prepared as the Designated Use Result Table of the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report. This data represents the results of assessing NJ's 958 assessment units to determine if applicable designated use(s) was(were) attained. The data reflects which of four results each assessment was assigned: Full Support- Fully Supporting, Insufficient Data- Insufficient data was available to assess, Non Support- Non Supporting, or NA – Not Applicable.
Name: Delisted Unit Assessment (2018-2020 Integrated List)
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Delisted Waters layer represents the water quality parameters associated with the 2018-2020 NJ Integrated Water Quality Assessment Report (Integrated Report). This data represents the assessment results at the HUC 14 level in 81 of NJ’s assessment units to display the HUCs that were delisted and for which parameter.
Description: The Brownfield Inventory is a subset of sites from the Known Contaminated Sites List (KCSL) for New Jersey. The Office of Brownfield & Community Revitalization staff vetted and determined each site on the Brownfield Inventory to be a brownfield site. As defined by the USEPA, a brownfield site is "real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant."
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><P><SPAN>2016-2020, 5-year average population of Seabeach Amaranth from multiple coastal municipalities across the state. Data is based on annual surveys funded by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><P><SPAN>Seabeach Amaranth status rank and status description for each US state that has or used to have records for the species. Data is based on NatureServe’s online information available to the public.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
Description: This layer uses graduated symbology to represent the total number of impinged horseshoe crabs rescued per kilometer (counts standardized by distance walked) at each beach each spawning season.
Copyright Text: NJDEP; NJFW, The Wetlands Institute Edition 20220601
Description: This layer uses different symbols to represent the impingement hazard types from which the highest number of horseshoe crabs per kilometer (counts standardized by distance walked) were rescued at each beach each spawning season. Manmade impingements are shown in brown while natural impingements are shown in blue.
Copyright Text: NJDEP; NJFW, The Wetlands Institute Edition 20220601
Description: This layer contains beach polygons representing the beach extent walked by reTURN the Favor volunteers, based on fact sheets distributed to volunteers in 2021.
Copyright Text: NJDEP; NJFW, The Wetlands Institute Edition 20220601