Description: This data set is a spatial representation of municipalities in New Jersey developed by the New Jersey Office of Information Technology (OIT), Office of Geographic Information Systems (OGIS). It is not a survey document and should not be used as such. The polygons delineated in this data set do not represent legal boundaries. This data set improves upon previous versions of municipal boundaries through the integration of coincident features from several high quality source data sets, as a component of the OGIS statewide Parcels Normalization Project concluded in March 2010. Updates continue to be made as necessary.
Copyright Text: Delaware Geological Survey - New Jersey/Delaware boundary data New Jersey Department of Agriculture, State Agricultural Development Committee, Farmland Preservation Program - preserved farmland boundary data from property surveys New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Green Acres Program - open space boundary data from property surveys New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Geographic Information Systems - New Jersey/New York boundary data for Ellis Island New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Geographic Information Systems - hydro (stream) centerline data New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Geographic Information Systems - land use/landcover data New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Geographic Information Systems - municipal boundaries data from US Geological Survey topographic maps New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, New Jersey Geological Survey - New Jersey/New York boundary data for the northern border of New Jersey, and New Jersey/New York boundary data through Shooters Island off the shoreline of Bayonne New Jersey Department of Transportation - road centerline data New Jersey Office of Information Technology, Office of Geographic Information Systems - New Jersey/Pennsylvania boundary data, and river and bay outlet data Various county or municipal agencies - State-certified digital tax map data and digital parcel data
Description: This data layer contains information about areas in the state which are specified as the Currently Known Extent (CKE) of ground water pollution. CKEs are geographically defined areas within which the local ground water resources are known to be compromised because the water quality exceeds drinking water and ground water quality standards for specific contaminants. Historically, a number of the CKEs have also been identified as Well Restriction Areas (WRAs). The regulatory authority for developing CKEs is in N.J.A.C. 7:1J, entitled Processing of Damage Claims Pursuant to the Spill Compensation and Control Act. CKEs are used by NJDEP staff, water purveyors, and local officials to make decisions concerning appropriate treatment and/or replacement of contaminated drinking water supplies. The CKE areas, as shown, are intended to provide information to the public about contaminated ground water areas in the state. Unless precautionary measures are taken to protect potable users, well installation should be avoided. This information is being made available so informed decisions can be made on well location, design, or treatment before wells are proposed, permitted, and installed. The Department is currently engaged in the reassessment and investigation of existing CKEs; however, it is important to note that CKEs are approximations of the actual aerial extent of ground water contamination and the boundaries presented here may change over time as new information is developed and plume migration occurs. At this time, the records of the CKEs in this database application may include a list of the specific ground water contaminants where available. Also, it should be noted that CKE areas might overlap with other CKEs and Classification Exception Areas (CEAs). Revisions and additions will be used to update the CKE database as new information is received and processed. In this application, the CKE is represented as a GIS-based polygon coverage that depicts the spatial extent of known potable well contamination in an area (as determined by NJDEP Site Remediation staff). The CKE polygon will usually follow the property boundary lines of all the contiguous properties with contaminated wells when the wells are within 1,000 feet of each other. However, on properties larger than 3.5 acres the boundary of the CKE may be based on the location of the contaminated well and may not encompass the entire property. Also, in some areas contaminated wells may have been detected in proximity to an established CKE but have not been included within the boundary of the CKE because the well is outside the 1,000 foot radius. For further information contact NJDEPs Site Remediation Waste Management Program (SRWMP), Bureau of Environmental Management and Site Assessment (BEMSA), the lead program for CKE case oversight at (609) 530-2474. Be advised that CKEs have not been created for public supply wells that have been impacted by ground water contamination and that not all areas where domestic potable well contamination have a CKE that's been created and therefore are not included in this GIS layer.
Description: This data layer identifies those Known Contaminated Sites (KCS) or sites on Site Remediation Programs' (SRP) Comprehensive Site List (CSL) that have been assigned a Deed Notice. A deed notice is described by NJ State Legislature (NJSA 58:10B-13a) as a "...notice to inform prospective holders of an interest in the property that contamination exists on the property at a level that may statutorily restrict certain uses of, or access to, all or part of that property, a delineation of those restrictions, a description of all specific engineering or institutional controls at the property that exist and that shall be maintained in order to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on the property, and the written consent to the notice by the owner of the property".
Description: This data identifies those sites where groundwater contamination has been identified and, where appropriate, the NJDEP has established a Classification Exception Area (CEA) in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:9-1.6 and 1.9(b). CEAs are institutional controls in geographically defined areas within which the New Jersey Ground Water Quality Standards (NJGWQS) for specific contaminants have been exceeded. CEAs are established in order to provide notice that the constituent standards for a given aquifer classification are not or will not be met in a localized area due to natural water quality or anthropogenic influences, and that designated aquifer uses are suspended in the affected area for the term of the CEA. For further information about Classification Exception Areas:
Description: The dataset is an update of a feature class representing four different Pinelands boundaries in Southern New Jersey. It represents the Pinelands Preservation Area District and the Pinelands Protection Area as per the New Jersey Pinelands Protection Act of 1979 (P.L. 1979, Chapter 111, approved June 28, 1979), the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan area (N.J.S.A. 13:18A-1 et. seq.), and the Pinelands National Reserve boundary as per the National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-625, Sec. 502). Originally the dataset was created manually by interpreting text documents which described the boundary lines and drafting this information onto mylar using USGS photo quads as a base. In 1994, the coverage was digitized and converted to New Jersey State Plane NAD 83 Feet. In 2002, the boundaries were adjusted to a seamless parcel layer. In 2014/15 the boundaries were adjusted to The State of New Jersey Composite of Parcels Data layer developed by the New Jersey Office of Information Technology and an updated Pinelands Management Area layer to make the lines coincidental where applicable. The composite parcel layer is "In work", so changes made in the composite parcel layer after the release of this data set will not be reflected in this version. The boundaries are intended to provide reasonable representation of the boundaries for planning purposes. They are not survey grade. The current geometry is not static and is prone to change.
Copyright Text: NJ Office of Information Technology, Office of Geographic Information Systems (NJOIT - OGIS) assisted with data and metadata revisions, and recompiled the records for this feature class.
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This polygon layer delineates the US Congressional District boundaries in New Jersey, 2012 - 2022. This version of the layer uses high-quality base map spatial data published by the State of New Jersey, instead of Census Bureau geographic data (TIGER.) Where no higher-quality data were available, the TIGER lines were used. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>This layer, which overlays correctly the highest quality municipal boundary data for New Jersey is an UNofficial version; by law, the official version is based on US Census data (geographic and demographic.) Roster information is included for the current Congress as of edition date. Officeholder contact information is updated infrequently in this data set and should be checked from an independent source before use.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Copyright Text: -NJ Redistricting Commission -U.S. Library of Congress -NJ Office of Information Technology, Office of GIS (NJOGIS)
Description: <div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p><span>The Legislative District polygon spatial layer Govt_admin_legdis delineates the legislative districts for New Jersey, beginning with the elections of 2011. The spatial data are based mainly on the NJ Municipal Boundaries layer Govt_admin_municipal_bnd (fka nj_munis), rather than Census Bureau geographic data (TIGER.) </span></p><p><span>Information on officeholders is derived from the legislative roster provided by the NJ Office of Legislative Services. It is updated infrequently and should be checked from an independent source before use. </span></p></div></div></div>
Copyright Text: NJ Office of Legislative Services (NJ OLS)
NJ Office of Information Technology, Office of GIS (NJOGIS)
NJ Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Information Technology, Bureau of Geographic Information Systems (BGIS)